Genre: Magical School Girl
Creator: CLAMP
No of Episodes/Volumes of Manga: 47 episodes
in 1st season, not sure how many in 2nd season, ? volumes of manga
Reviewer: Misao
Card Captor Sakura has got to be one of the
CUTEST anime that has been released to date. Brought to you from
the creators of Magic Knight Rayearth, Card Captor Sakura
is a typical magical school girl anime, but all I can say is that
character design and the overall plot are a little different than
the girls who day and night fight evil to save the world.
Card Captor Sakura revolves around a 4th
grader by the name of Sakura Kinomoto. One day, she hears a mysterious
noise coming from her father's basement, and goes downstairs to
investigate. She finds a glowing book and for some reason, breaks
the seal that closes the book. Clow Cards (magical cards) are
than released and disappear as quickly as they came. The guardian
of the Clow Book, Kereberous (Kero-chan), is once again re-awoken
and the adventure begins. Since Sakura could open the book, that
means she has some magic, and since Sakura released the Cards,
it's her job to find all of the Cards again, and thus, the story
The first season is about Sakura finding the all
cards, and the second season is about Sakura converting all of
the cards into her own (ie. they don't belong to Clow Reed anymore).
Of course, the task of finding the Clow Cards isn't made easier
when you have a best friend who absolutely ADORES you (Tomoyo
Daidouji) and who video tapes your every mood, and a boy (Li Shaoran)
who is also trying to capture the cards for himself. Not only
that, Li Shaoran is seen as Sakura's rival in love, with both
of them liking the gentle but mysterious Yukito, Touya's (Sakura's
brother) best friend.
What I love about this anime is the relationships
the characters have together, especially the close-knit family
relationship between Sakura, Touya and their father (Fujitaka).
Sakura's mother died when she was young, hence Fujitaka is given
the task to raise up two children by himself. Sakura's father
is also a very good cook, and he is the most gentle man (anime
man :P) I've ever seen. It's great to see that the anime just
doesn't focus on the capturing of cards, but family relationships
as well. Sakura's such a good girl (she helps cook, clean the
house, etc..) and she's SO cute...she'll make anyone want to squeal
when they see her. :)
Animation is superb, not to mention the different
outfits that Sakura wears are really nice and cute (fitting in
with the anime itself). I think the seiyuu in this anime have
performed a great job, each fitting into their role perfectly,
and making the anime come alive. This anime also has a comical
side to it also, so, in my opinion, if you just want to let go,
and watch something that is a little different in the Magical
School Girl genre, check this anime out!
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