Trading Rules
Ok, below is a list of trade rules that OzAnime
Continental has made up to make trading life quite easy for the
people who are involved with trading, as well as the people in
charge of trading as well.
Rules are pretty simple:
- Look at the lists of the traders and if you're
interested in any anime on that list, click on their name and
send them an email.
- Some traders may have a few rules themselves so
please make sure you ask them about anything to do with the trades
before you get down to business. You can also check out below,
some traders have given me some of their rules, but just ask them
if there is anything else.
- Trades done in conjunction with OzAnime Continental
are only done with unlicensed anime. If you request an
anime title which is licensed, your email may not be replied to.
- Depending on who the trader is, you may or may
not be able to purchase the anime from them. Prices will vary
from one trader to another.
- Please do not direct anymore trade enquiries
to me. Please email the trader themselves (of course, if the
trader happens to be me, by all means email! :P).
- If you have any complaints or questions about
the traders listed on the site, please email me and I will try
my best to sort things out.
- All traders try their best to ensure that the
anime gets to you in good condition. None of the traders will
accept any liability for damage to the CD or case or whatever
which probably occurred in the handling of the items through postage.
- Trades are to be done in Australia only.
^kenji^, Misao, freeman
If you don't have any anime to trade, we accept
cash. Prices are as follows:
CD: $3 each
At the present moment, whether VHS will continue
to be traded is being discussed.
Postage: Depends on how many CD's and will vary.
- VCD trades only.
- Will only send through Express Post and will expect
traders to do the same.
- Will not send CD's in cases. If you want CD's
with cases, please tell him.
- Will not accept payment for CD's.
- Will only send through Express Post.
- Payment can be arranged with him, it'll approximately be around
$3 per CD.
- Don't send your CDs in such a way that they get scratched.
Use your brain when it comes to sending CDs people. Do you really
think sticking 4 CDs in one small CD slip means they will be OK?
Duhhh! Each CD is to be wrapped separately or sent on a spindle
that protects them. OK!!??
- When I ask you for something from a CD trade, send it! Don't
pick and choose from my request list.
- Send your CDs on the time agreed. I'm sick of people telling
me they forgot to send the CDs a week after I sent theirs. Its
like your parents missing out on giving you Christmas presents
until February.
-I do not want any porn anime.
- Current charge for CDs is $2 each. This includes postage and
packaging. I also require the $ in advance. If you order under
10 CDs, there is an additional $5 postage charge
Other Traders?
I dunno *shrugs* :P They haven't specified any rules they want
in trading so if you want to know, ask them.
©2000 OzAnime