Member's Fanfics


l337 ''-)

Mark Phillip was a normal 16 year old boy. His interests were computers and .. computers. What a nerd. He was busy trying to hack into NERV's database to find out about what had recently happened with the angels. His pet crocadile was killed in the last battle between the Evangelions and their enemy, the Angels.

"Kuso!" he muttered, as he was barred yet again from port 6667 of NERV.COM.GOV.JP.TK3.EVA.TOP.SEC.RET . He couldn't understand what was wrong with his great program he had downloaded off the 'Net 3. It said that it could connect to servers and be used to chat with the server and other people on there. Didn't that mean that he could discover top secrets from the server and the people on there?





"Argh, why doesn't this work?" It was at this time that she spoke. She had been watching for the last five minutes at this lame ass try to hack into Nerv with mIRC. It was pathetic. Nerv had picked up his home address from the fact that when the server asked for his dynamic address, he had written his home one.

"Because you don't have access."

"Whaaaghtt!?!?!" Mark screamed as he spun around. Behind him was a beautiful woman, about thirty, who was wearing a red and black NERV uniform. She had a sweatdrop on her forehead.

"And the fact that you are IRCing to that server..what planet are you from buddy?" she questioned, as she straighted her uniform. "We have tracked you to this address. You have been trying to connect to NERV servers since three weeks ago. We were going to leave you alone, but you kept trying even though you really suck at hacking, I mean honestly, what the he.."

"DAMARE!!" Mark screamed. No one was going to insult him, he was 1337 for crying out loud.

"What? What the hell did you say? This is the english dub, buddy." she replied,"You really aren't thinking straight, are you?"

"What ever, what do you want??"

"We need you to come down to NERV headquaters and report to the Commander."

"What!!?" he exclaimed, amazed, "Does this mean I get to pilot an Evangelion?!?"

"Possibly," she said, while chewing her lip, "Hey, are you by any chance a self inserted character who will synchronise with the Evangelion better than Shinji on first go, be able to beat all the Angels single handedly whilst persuing and having sex with Asuka and Rei and Hikari at the same time along with me, Ritsuko, Maya and all other female cast of this series, also at the same time handeling problems from your own past and coming out on top of them all, saving the world and becoming famous??"

Mark got a sweatdrop. Big time. His pants got really wet.

Mark looked at the author who nodded.

"Ah, yeah, I am actually." He replied, quite confidently.

A shot was heard in all houses close to Mark's. Out of the door emerged the woman, placing her gun in the holster and smiling.

"Good, one less of those friggen bastards. I'm sick of those perverted authors who use fanfictions to have sex with me."

She got into her car, where a 16 year old boy named Sanma smiled at her, kissed her and drove away.

-----------------------e---------n----------d------------------------------- ------- That's to all you ppl who find the need to make S.I.C.

They really make me angry.

And also to those who use Japanese in English stories. Honestly.

Kuso = Shit

6667 = The default port for IRC, a chat protocol. (I also hate lameass hackers.)

Enjoy ^_^ Sanma the 1337 14m34$$ Sanma the Leet LameAss for those who don't speek 1337